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What I Am Really Asking For: Sex, Desire and the Raw Truth

Fri 3 PM | Portal

Katie Kinnison

Do we dare tread into the deep places, into the thundering cataracts, into the churning waters and arid wastelands of desire? This Wild Goose experience will begin with searing personal struggle and move to create bold risk-taking among the participants. Can we ask courageous questions? Can we tell the truth about our desire and its effects on us, on those we love, and on the community? Our most intimate desires bear political force into the world and shape reality. Rooted in my own experience as a white heterosexual woman, my exploration is also informed by walking with survivors of sex trafficking, by trying to understand the desire of the Johns, by imbibing the Mystics’ language of desire, and by engaging with the work of bell hooks, Audre Lorde, Luce Irigaray, and many others. We need the eyes of others if we are to see ourselves and the world around us, if we are to touch the face of God. I have been conversing largely with words on the page, now I get to talk with you.

Katie Kinnison

Katie Kinnison started dancing with God at the age of six while waiting at the school bus stop. She has spent her life training in words, giving them breath, incarnating them. Teaching for forty years in one capacity or another, Katie is now a Teaching Elder (pastor) at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Columbus Ohio. The overflowing abundance of her life includes reveling in three glorious daughters and spiritually supporting Judge Herbert’s CATCH program for survivors of human trafficking. Her first book, with the working title of Vibrating Godness and the Walking Wounded, is almost finished, and you can check out her blogs and podcasts at her new website (May 2018) at

147 Sex, Desire and Truth
157 Godness and the Wounded

Session #147